Higher torque & speed  for Club Car Precedent 

IQ, i2, Excel, Onward, all 2003 & up sepex

Admiral MOT-A2 - higher torque and speeds 22-25 mph

10 HP  Admiral motor for 48 volts
Speeds up to 22-23 mph with stock 18" tires
Speeds of 25 mph on taller tires
Use with 400 and 500 amp controllers
Speeds up to 25-27mph with 23 " tires.


For the best results

These motors require aftermarket speed controller,

HD solenoid, 2g cable set, and in series carts a HD F&R

Admiral A2

Series Motors for Club Car. 

These motors have a 10 tooth drive spline found in all 1985 & up models

High Torque Motors for Club Car. 

Admiral MOT-A1 - higher torque and speed 

10 HP  Admiral motor 36 or 48 volts
Speeds up to 20 mph with stock 18" tires
Speeds of 22-23 mph on taller tires
Use with 400 and 500 amp controllers


Admiral A4

Sepex Motors for Club Car. 

These motors have a 10 tooth drive spline found in all sepex models

Club Car Motors


More Torque 


More Speed

Admiral MOT-A4- Long stack high torque Club Car

BIG torque and speeds 22-25 mph

14HP  Admiral motor for 48 volts - Huge power increase
Speeds up to 20 mph with stock 18" tires
Speeds of 23-25 mph on 22" tall tires
Use with 400 and 500 amp controllers, HD solenoid, 2g cables recommended
Speeds up to 26-27mph with 23 " tires.


Golf Cart Parts and

Golf Cart Accessories

golf ​​​​​​​Carts Unlimited

Admiral A1